Group Members


  1. A maximum of 25 users can be added per API Call.
  2. For a group with more than 300 members, the conversations and unread message counts are not updated.

The following table lists the properties of an HTTP request that Group Members API supports.

adminsarray of stringsA string array of UIDs of the existing users to be added as group admins.
moderatorsarray of stringsA string array of UIDs of the existing users to be added as group moderators.
participantsarray of stringsA string array of UIDs of the existing users to be added as group participants.
usersToBanarray of stringsA string array of UIDs of the existing users to be added as group participants.

The individual member failure can be seen in the error objects in their respective scope.

If the same UID is added to more than one scopes array then the UID will get the scopes in the order below

  1. admin
  2. moderator
  3. participant

For example, if the UID superhero1 is part of admins, moderators, and usersToBan arrays then it will appear in the only members.admins property in the response.